Body Contouring with Ultrashape

Body contouring is one of the newest advancements in medical aesthetics, and people are raving about it! Both women and men love these treatments because they are effective, easy, painless, and non-invasive. Body contouring addresses several areas of concern; fat destruction, cellulite reduction, and skin tightening. Body Contouring is a great way to kick-off a new diet and exercise regimen, or a great option to get ready for an event. Many of our patients start their Ultrashape treatment a couple of months before a cruise, spring break vacation, or wedding!

Which Areas Can Be Treated?

⋅ Stomach/Abs

⋅ Arms

⋅ Flanks

⋅ Hips

⋅ Thighs

⋅ Buttocks

What to expect

Most patients describe the pulse as a mild tingling or “buzz” feeling, sometimes accompanied with slight warmth in the treated area. A series of three treatments will be scheduled 2-4 weeks apart, and each one will take approximately 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the size of the treatment area. UltraShape Power is a non-invasive procedure, meaning no incisions, no anesthetics, no swelling, no bruising, no pain, and no downtime.

After Treatment

A somewhat limited diet is recommended for 5 days after each UltraShape treatment. This includes an increased intake of water, limited fatty foods and no alcohol. Our most successful Ultrashape patients are those who significantly increased the amount of water they were drinking! This is important because this is how your body will flush out the broken down fat cells in the body. UltraShape Power destroys fat cells, leaving patients with long-lasting results so long as a healthy and active lifestyle is maintained.  Results can begin to show in as little as 2-4 weeks after the first treatment, with ultimate results at 8-10 weeks (about a month after the final treatment).

How does Ultrashape work?

Using ultrasound energy pulses, UltraShape is able to target and rupture fat cells without damaging any of the surrounding tissues. When the walls of the fat cells burst, the triglycerides that make up the inside of the cells are released and transported through the vascular and lymphatic systems to the liver, used as energy, and then processed and eliminated naturally from the body. The great part is that there is no downtime and you can return to work and your regular activities immediately after.

Call our office today at (504) 393-7393 to schedule a free consult with our aesthetician Ericka to see if you are a candidate for Ultrashape!